Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Home is Whenever I'm with You

The title of this blog, I'm very lucky to say, could relate to a few people in my life.

But, only one has a birthday this week and this is for her.

My sister.

She is home to me.

Mind you, we didn't always get along swimmingly. I was the little brat who would steal her makeup, clothes, etc. However, these actions were all in effort to be just like her. I've always wanted to be just like her.

About the time I started to become of age, she had moved back home for a short spell. It was this period of our lives where we became best friends forever. We would watch terrible television like Friends and 90210 together. The tradition later turned into Dawson's Creek as it carried forward into her first house and included copious amounts of Chinese food and Dr. Pepper. She was also my early "Ticket-to-Ride" to the mall as we'd shop for hours and eat Cinnabon. All the while, she would listen to me carry on about boys and general junior high and high school woes. I would watch her do all these amazing adult things like buying a house and having a baby. Still always wanting to be just like her.

Even to this day, I still want to be like her. Who wouldn't? She is among the most giving people I know. If the world is bringing you down, she is there to help figure out what needs to be done. Sometimes this happens over margaritas with lots of laughter and drunken renditions of "Sisters! Sisters!" (Song linked below....although our version is bastardized as we sing "We're sisters! We're sisters!")

Okay, I'm getting a bit off track here.

So, the original inspiration for this came from being asked "What kind of people's homes do you find yourself most comfortable in?" and the answer was, of course, my sister's. It's always so cozy and homey. Always. From the moment I pull into the driveway, her beautiful kids run out to greet me with insanely good hugs. I step in the door and instantly feel warm and relaxed. The TV is usually on with some sort of sport playing in the background, candles randomly lit throughout, snacks scattered on tables, the hum of laundry going in the other room, and my sister. The person with the exact same makeup as me, sometimes literally, but still her own, beautiful person.

When you really think about it, there are few places one can go for refuge to unapologetically be who they are and her house is one of them for me. It's because she is there. You can feel her everywhere in it from the smiles on the faces of my niece and nephew, the softness of the throw blankets on the couch... It's like she is giving you one big, warm hug. Regardless of the location, from Crystal Lake, IL to LaVergne, TN, it's always been my sanctuary.

Thank you, Jennie, for always being there for me...for being my sanctuary...and just being the amazing person that you are....I have no idea who I would be without you.


I love you!!!

(PS - I would be lying if I said part of my inspiration for this wasn't payback for all the tear-jerking birthday cards you've given me in the past! Haha!)

Sisters, Sisters - White Christmas

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