Friday, September 6, 2013

A positive.

I've been telling myself that despite how much frustration, anger, pain...whatever...I've been going through, I can't help but feel that all of this will have a positive spin. It's a weird feeling for me because normally I'm not so "Rain brings sunflowers and daisies, lah-dee-daaah! *skip away through my field of daffodils*"

Well, here is one positive.

I'm writing.

And, I can't stop.

I started mulling over an idea in my head a while back and suddenly I came home tonight and HAD to get going on it. I think it's due to my starting this blog and being reminded of how good it feels to have words flowing out of me crafted precisely how I'd like them to be. Never perfect but always me.

It's a bit of a high, really. It's the one thing in life I ALWAYS enjoy.

It's about damn time I had moments of output! The story may be a bit of cliche, but, so is life.

I'm off to pour a bit more wine and keep going.

The song I'm plugging for this is The National since they have been my soundtrack tonight in preparation for their concert on Sunday with a favorite lady, Amanda!

The National - "Apartment Story"

1 comment:

  1. I totally love when output happens like that! Very glad you're experiencing it. :)
