Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Baby wanna walk.

I can walk in a normal fashion.

I have western medicine to thank, but, it's something in the best direction!

Every morning I still wake up expecting to be in pain....expecting that something has changed and I'm back to the beginning.

But, I sit up. I put my feet on the floor. Stand. And, glide to the bathroom with ease.

I was able to walk around cities without thinking about anything else but anticipate the excitement of what was around the next corner.

I walked through airports with no concern except making sure I'm at my gate at boarding time.

I don't mean this to make other feels guilty but, seriously, take note each and every morning you put your feet on the floor without a grimace knowing that at least you have that going for you, despite other shit in your life (not discounting your shit, just trying to point out an easy blessing.) I'm speaking from experience as someone who overlooked it until my body said, "Yea, bitch...try and overlook THIS!" Never take all the simple things our bodies do for granted. Healthy livers that filter blood...lungs that breathe...shit, even a bladder that holds your pee without any real struggle. Truly. Our bodies do so much and we don't stop to recognize the effort of tissue and bone and how a simple upset could change our entire lives...until it does change our lives.

Whilst climbing the stairs at work today, I caught myself smiling as I could feel the muscles in my legs starting to slowly wake up and form again.

Maybe this was something I needed to make me wake up and realize that all the other shit I spent my days worrying about is just that... shit...

Regardless of how little or how much effort you put into these worries, at the end of the day, your physical being will eventually breakdown on you with little care about all that you find important at this moment.

Hug yourself.

Love your body regardless of size, color, shape, moles, hobbles...because it only goes downhill from here.


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