Monday, October 7, 2013

My HLA-B27 be posi, y'all!

I had my follow up appointment with my rheumatologist to discuss my blood work.

First, let me tell you how I ran into her as I got on the elevator and sprang into my "I know I may have seemed like a bitch with my nasty email but really I was just pissed that you weren't calling me back" approach (that probably should have been hyphened instead of in quotes but, really, who has the time for that!?) I spoke to her. I think it threw her off as I'm sure most people in hospitals don't make friendly, elevator commentary with the doctors.

"Hey! I'm coming to see you in a few minutes!" She smiled and said some sort of pleasantry back. It was an awkward but necessary exchange.

Fast forward to the appointment. "Hello....... again..." she said.

That doctor. She's so witty. I purposely laughed too hard at that one. All the while I kept making jokes like "Prednisone makes me eat everything! I'm pretty sure I never tasted chocolate the way I tasted it while on that med *giggle giggle*..." and other Megan like bibble-babble to sort of go along with above strategy.

Anyways, enough of my INFJ-working-the-room discussion...

Parvo front: My immune system has kicked it's ass. I thought so for a long while now but it's good to see it on paper in a official manner... with the help of a doctor explaining it to me what all the coded crap on paper meant, of course.

Arthritis front (remember, rearing it's inflamed, ouchy, face thanks to Parvo): My HLA-B27 shit be posi, y'all! What does this mean? Well, the doctor was asking me if I was having an spinal/lower back issues. Other than the normal effects of sitting on my ass all day with a core currently at the level of non-existent, not really. To that, she said this same type of arthritis (I *think* she said ankylosing spondylitis but, seriously, I was just following along on the page knowing I'd google this shit later and it is later and that's what I think she said after googling) could also cause inflammation and pain in the hands and feet. Which I was all "mmm, yea? okay, that makes sense *nodding head, totally googling when I get home*..." Well, after googling ('re probably thinking "If she says any form of the word google one more time before getting to her effing point...!!!!") I found this same HLA-B27 bastard to be linked to.....*drum roll* psoriatic arthritis! Again, I'm not doctor...just found it curious...

Regardless, my shit is still inflamed and hurty.

My plan of attack is this... try out meds in hopes to feel better... get back to yoga and all things I love that are active and actually be nice to my body again... all the while looking for other things to help that are not in the form of a pill...with the ultimate goal being to be off meds again.

In the meantime, y'all need to help me get the word out to HLA-B27 that I'm good peoples. Silly, HLA-B27! Let's be friends and stop being an asshole to me!

War - "Why Can't We Be Friends"

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